Decision-making, Personal growth, Success



Excellence is like Success, it does not happy by accident.

I never heard a person say or read of someone saying, “I accidentally became a success.”  No, success in any domain is a result of a plan and execution of that plan.  The truth be told; planning to success usually encompasses several failures and mis-judgements.

Any definition of Success ought to include, “Through Failure” somewhere in it.

I realize most people do not wake up one day and say, “Today I want excellence.”

We must learn; first, to recognize that there is such a thing as excellence.  Secondly, we must know the value of developing it.

These points entail learning.  There is much discussion these days on the ineffectiveness of our education system.   I will not weigh in on the pros. and cons. of our present system.

Teaching must incorporate; Learning how to Learn.

It is reasonable then that if we believe that children can learn; giving them principles and information will broaden their understanding.

Heuristic is defined as: Designating an educational method by which a pupil is stimulated to make his own investigation and discoveries.  The Greek root of this word is, “To Find Out.”

Being Excellent means: being the very best quality, exceptionally good, very fine, first-rate.

What is being produced through the schools?  It would be nice if they could reveal the student’s ability to “Find Out.”  Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Most of you reading this Post are not students.  You may have children that are, and currently enrolled in the school system.

This post is NOT intended to decry the education system.  It is to challenge you to evaluate your level of attained or attaining excellence.

The education system will most likely not change as fast as your children will grow up.

The Gap between your child’s educational deficiencies and their heuristic abilities is you.

What demonstration of your striving for excellence have you exposed or exhibited to your children?

The only thing standing between Pop-Culture, the education system, and advertising subterfuge is your example.

You can believe that your example is powerful.

Parents engaging with their children is an element that has immeasurable positive impact.  This is a fact.   It assimilates productivity, positive, and life long values.  This is good!

The parent that strives for excellence, constantly, and overtly will impact their children with an element that adds a whole new dimension.  Goals that are made, methodically approached, fought for, and accomplished leave an indelible mark the child’s psyche.

No words, no books, or no podcast can impact a young mind more readily than the example of parents striving for excellence.

The attitude of these parents speaks for themselves and offers a formidable foundation that no other can offer.   It forms a template or compass that can direct their own path to excellence.

Excellence – Who is talking about it?   Better yet; Who is demonstrates it?

The answer ought to be “THE PARENTS.”

Attila B. Horvath, author.

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