Culture, Decision-making, Discipline, Human behavior, Personal growth, Success



I saw a video advertisement for one to find Greatness. 

Naturally, it lured the listener into a webpage that most likely gave an avenue by which to enroll.  I cannot comment on where that lead, but my comments below came from the impression that the Ad had on me. 

“Greatness” is similar to “Happiness;” both are a by-product of something else.   That is, greatness cannot be a goal, just as happiness cannot.  Both are a result of action.  Did Thomas Jefferson set out to be great?

If the label “Great” is placed on an individual, the process of that happening is complex.

I assert that developing your natural talents is a component necessary leading to greatness.  I further state that when the cost/benefit ratio become large; Any chance to be considered “great” starts here, where effort and energy expended yields very little incremental gain or benefit.  This is also the point where it becomes difficult to continue an endeavor, and most give up.

I also assert that most people will settle for less “Excellence” and stop their growth process.  settling for Status Quo, and maintaining just enough energy to get by.  In other words, mediocrity.

During a discussion with one of my daughters, she challenged me on these assertions.  She claimed that in many cases people choose where to put their energies.  In other words, they put their energy where the lowest cost/benefit ratio is attainable.  Hence, they gather a higher gain with less energy expended. 

I was talking in general and she was talking in specifics.

Engaging in a productive conversation, as we did, revealed our perspective differences.  All this took place under a canopy of live oak tree, while eating a delicious lunch, in Austin, Texas. 

I had to admit that her perspective covered a broader scope of relevancy than mine did.  Integrating our different perspectives yielded these points.

  1. (As mentioned above) Greatness encompasses complexity.
  2. Starting the process cannot have Greatness as a goal.
  3. Striving to be “the best you” means being open to learn which also means welcoming mistakes and failures.
  4. Discernment carries with it; experience and wisdom. These are derived through actions taken from which learning takes place.
  5. The wisdom of knowing yourself well enough to choose pathways that do not hurt others even if it jeopardizes your own gain. (A concept of a rising tide raises all ships)
  6. The path toward growth will present obstacles and criticism. Messing with other’s status quo will yield conflict and deep reactions.
  7. Tenacity stemming from continuous growth, and increasing confidence that your pathway is worth the cost.

Action is the verb that starts the process.  I always say, “Any decision is a good decision because it was made.”  However, making an intentional decision toward fulfilling a desire, wish, or dream is even a better decision. 

Charles Krauthammer died on Thursday June 21.  If you know who he was, then you know he was a great man. 

At age 22, he dove into a pool hitting his head on the bottom severing his spinal cord.  He was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. 

His greatness came partly from an attitude of not letting his circumstances define him.  His accomplishments reflected his attitude, here are a few; he was a Harvard graduate psychiatrist, a Pulitzer Prize Columnist, and a treasured family member.

Krauthammer had a talent to explain things, even in the political arena, in a way that was so understandable that even those who opposed his view took note of what he said. 

I do not know for sure, however, my guess is that after his accident, he did not set out to be great. 

His actions, efforts, and attitude took him there.

If one takes a quick scan of great people in history (Thomas Jefferson for one).  You would see humility, acknowledgement of what they did not know, and above all a willingness to always to improve. 

Do you want to be great?  Start by admitting you do not know what you do not know.  Now set out to learn! 

Set out to be the best person you can be.  You may even be remembered as Great?

Attila Horvath, author

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