What is protecting you? — What is not?

What is protecting you? — What is not?
Our government is tasked to protect its citizens against exterior and interior threats. However, the government is not the subject here.
What protect you, as an organism?
We have all heard of the fight or flight response. An event occurs that is perceived as a threat and a series of things start to take place that prepare our bodies to either fight or flee. Either way after the threat is gone; we feel weak, exhausted, and our energy gone. Recovery takes time.
What you may not know is that this “fight or flight response” is your first line of defense; before all else. That imminent danger supersedes an attack of bacteria, virus, or any foreign invader into the body.
If you have a cold and feel lousy, then you see a lion running at you, it would be beneficial to have your energies forwarded to your muscles to save your life. The immune system stopping is more important than continuing and taking energy away from your protecion mechanisms. If you are dead, your immune system’s operation is futile.
Very few of us, in our daily activities, face the kind of dangers that threaten our lives. One could think that we do not incorporate our fight or flight response very often. Wrong.
On a physical basis, we are constantly being attacked by foreign organisms. Because of diet, vitamins, and exercise we can pretty- well overcome those invasions
Unfortunately, there is a prominent element in our society today that has the potential of disrupting our normal immune protection system.
Stress brought about from: fears, challenging circumstances, bad relationships, extreme demands on our time, capabilities, etc. These stresses interrupt our immune system just as “Fight or Flight” challenges do
The significance of this hierarchy is that under stress we are made weaker and dumber. Minor stress, we can live with. Higher levels of stress however, have a lasting effect on us.
We cannot operate mentally as well and we do not have the capacity to repair cells while under extreme conditions of stress. Where that “level” of stress is for each individual needs to be determined by each person. We do know that extreme stress “KILLS.”
We cannot operate mentally as well and we do not have the capacity to repair cells while under extreme conditions of stress. Where that “level” of stress is for each individual needs to be determined by each person. We do know that extreme stress “KILLS.”
The fight or flight effect on the cellular community mirrors the effect of stress on the human population. We do face the fight and flight response in the form of Stress.
In summary, under extreme stress; depression occurs, health deteriorates, your performance is hampered, and you become more vulnerable to disease.
Many people live with stress that are far beyond the safe level. Not realizing that what they consider normal is, shortening their lives.
Removing that level of stress that is interfering with your health and well-being is imperative to consider.
Attila B. Horvath, author.