Culture, Decision-making, Discipline, Human behavior, Personal growth, Success



Through objective eyes, how do you see the world, your country, your state, your city, your friends, your family?  In this chain, is there a place where your attitude change from better to worse or visa versa?

The obvious progression from macro to micro ends on the micro side with an individual-one person.  One person is powerful.

 A group, party, or affiliation cannot differ from its individual make-up.  A motorcycle gang’s spectrum most likely would not include motor scooters. 

If you belong to a group, chances are your thinking is in line with that group’s vision and purpose.  If that group is the Rotary Club, or another benevolent organization, your attitude will most likely be in line with the purpose of that group. 

The Rotary Club strives to foster friendships, promote equality, and encourage tolerance and respect among people of all races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

This is an example of a group of lifters.  Being around people that strive to accomplish these things can only be encouraging and contagious to accomplish good.

If we set up a criterium, in the form of a question: Does my group’s effort bring good to me, my family, my friends, and to my enemy?”  Enemy?  Why do good for them? 

“A rising tide lifts all ships.”  This can be said for organizations that are comprised of “Lifters.”

“All ships” means everyone, not just those I like or agree with. 

 Martin Luther King Jr., his vision propelled people to stand against segregation and discrimination because of race.  Non-violent protest for what purpose.  To lift all ships.  Decades late, we all benefit by his efforts and of those that believed in his vision. 

Martin Luther King Jr. was a lifter.

Groups that revolve around “causes” are different.  In these groups, an individual tends to direct members.

There are two forms of CAUSES:

  1. The ones that better society and lift all ships.
  2. The ones that jeopardize other groups.

Ironically, the darkest circumstances often produce some of the most admirable lifters.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Viktor Frankl, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa became world known lifters.

The adversity they endured produced writings in which one could find meaning and solace in the face of horrible circumstances. 

The word nihilist originates from the Latin word “nihiladre” meaning “Nothing to the point.”


  1. A doctrine that denies existence,
  2. A doctrine that denies any basis for knowledge or truth,
  3. Denial of all traditional and existing principles, values, and institutions.
  4. In Politics; A doctrine holding that reform is possible only through destruction of all political, economic, and social institutions.
  5. Any revolutionary movement or propaganda advocating terror or violence.

Nihilism produces depression and fear.

It is beneficial to review and evaluate who are those that are running or organizing the cause you are willing to associate with. 

Each person must view the actions of their group from a larger perspective than mere emotionalism and heart.  Focusing on the good that will be produced and not just the immediate change that is being sought. 

Protesting is not bad-in-itself, it could bring awareness to an important issue.  The question needs to be asked, “Who will benefit from these changes sought?

Is my enemy going to benefit also?  Or just my group?

Raising only a few ships means that others have been sunk.  Sinking ships to raise your vessel is a recipe for disaster.  For eventually, your ship will also be sunk for the benefit of someone else’s vessel. 

“If you do not stand for something, you will fall for everything.”

If you are fired-up and excited to move the world, please ask this question: Will my involvement lift all ships?

Lurking behind the scenes in many “cause driven” groups are nihilists, seeking to destroy for the sake of bringing down society and the values and principles that history has proven priceless.  They are leaners, and the worst kind.

Remember the names I listed earlier, they suffered greatly and lost loved ones in the most horrible ways, yet they all became lifters.

Follow a “Lifter, you may be surprised that your journey will start to have meaning.  Your soul and spirit will be lifted also.


Attila B. Horvath, author

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