Culture, Decision-making, Discipline, Human behavior, Personal growth, Success

Happy New Year, Succeed

Happy New Year, Succeed

“Succeed” is like the word “Fishing” it beg another question: What kind of fishing? Success in what?

I believe success as a human being is the biggest challenge we face. It would be nice to succeed in sports, business, or your job and at the same time succeed at being a friend, sibling, spouse, mother, or father. It seldom happens that way. Some traits are good for one and not so good for the other.

The questions comes down to “WHY” do you want to be successful.

The questions comes down to “WHY” do you want to be successful.

“The towering genius disdains a beaten path.”

Here is the paradox: We are social animals who need to belong to a group, community, or association. We yearn to belong. The genius in us is diluted and made mediocre by conforming in order to belong. Our need to belong gets in the way of our genius. It is risky to be honest with ourselves about this.

Weigh it yourself: Conform to a group, society, or community finding your secure place, yet feel unfulfilled or risk taking the unbeaten path to discover success as a person. Is being alone the price one needs to pay for being successful? Alone is not the same as isolated. Alone is facing challenges head on, not isolating ourselves behind digital devices.

We are discussing success as an individual, a product that will enhance the world through your genius.

Is your genius being enhanced?

Attila B. Horvath, author.

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