Culture, Decision-making, Discipline, Human behavior, Personal growth, Success

A Prince from Kissing Frogs

A Prince from Kissing Frogs


Our creative side is not good at determining what others would like.  In fact, creative people have a difficulty distinguishing their ordinary from their extraordinary contributions.

Sheer volume of work produces only a few outstanding pieces.  Whether in: Art, Poetry, Writing, or Invention; great ideas come about from lots of ideas and trials.

There is an adage for writers: “Writers – write and re-write.”  Seldom is the first draft any good – revision comes with the territory of writing.

An element in finding something good is: DOING LOTS OF WORK. 

Whatever helps you to stick to your endeavor, ought to be adhered to and appreciated.  There are only limited encouragements that assist in sticking with something.  Giving-Up is more the norm.

How many frogs do you have to kiss to get a Prince?

The longer you stick to something, the closer you will get to producing a few gems.

Social Media, the Internet, and your Website are prime examples of kissing a lot of frogs.  Unless you are one of those rare individuals that have their idea go viral.   Most likely, you will need to break into “it” by a volume of material to be placed “out there.”

As you post, blog, and interact with others; you start to get noticed.

Getting noticed gives you the opportunity to be recognized for you contributions.  The more you produce the higher likelihood of becoming known. 

The few jewels within that volume of work, can shine only if; that volume gets noticed.  Those few jewels will not be found unless the entire package of material you produce is viewed first.

I included two elements:

Creativity will become more appreciated as you get more content, listen to other’s opinions; then your content will improve. 

Persevering in the process of: being continuously consistent in listening to opinions, not giving-up, and not losing your vision will yield recognition in time.   

By listening, you may find that your original ideas, that you did not think significant, may very well be the keys to finding those jewels.

Your originality is a reflection to your uniqueness.  A nurtured and developed uniqueness is what the world needs. 

Keep kissing frogs, one may eventually become a prince, or many.

Attila B. Horvath, author,

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